How to automatically bring an activated window to the foreground in Ubuntu?
This behaviour can be changed from the command line, open a terminal and type:1
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/focus-prevention-level 0
To restore the default value:1
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/focus-prevention-level 1
ubuntu下,比如当前已打开文件管理器,然后在浏览器中打开 Downloads文件夹目录时文件管理器不前置。
打开CompizConfig SettingManager,选择General Options,选择focus & raise behavious 这个tab,将 focus prevention level 置为 off
Disable ubuntu internal error report
just disable the apport:
open /etc/default/apport
then change enable=1 to enable=0
Forget passwd
boot into recovery mode, choose “drop to root shell prompt”
remount it with write permissions:1
mount -rw -o remount /
now you can do everything you want.
Recode keyboard input to a file
recode keycode to key.log:1
3xinput list | grep -Po 'id=\K\d+(?=.*slave\s*keyboard)' | xargs -P0 -n1 xinput test > key.log
convert keycode to keyname:
awk 'BEGIN{while (("xmodmap -pke" | getline) > 0) k[$2]=$4} {print $0 "[" k[$NF] "]"}' < key.log
Downgrade a package via apt-get
Find package’s available versions
apt-cache showpkg <package-name> # list all available versions
Downgrade the package to the available version
3sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number>
# or
sudo apt-get install -t=<target release> install <package-name>Hold the package at the current version if necessary
apt-mark hold <package-name>
Exact and compress a debian package
using dpkg-deb:1
4# exact
dpkg-deb -R package-name.deb target_directory
# compress
dpkg-deb -b target_directory package-name